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Andha Adivasi Samaj Dharamshala has been working in rural Maharashtra from the year 2008, We do this through well-planned and comprehensive programmes in health, education, livelihoods and disaster preparedness and response. focusing on alleviating poverty and social exclusion. We are continuously working for poor children of rural area by supporting them Physically, mentally and financially. Our aim is to make a world where all people live with dignity and security. Andha Adivasi Samaj Dharamshala is registered NGO which is non-profitable  organization registered under ( Mumbai Public Trust 1950). 

Our Services


Believing in and appreciating the dignity and potential of all human beings.


Maintaining social, ethical and organizational norms and adhering to the code of conduct


Fulfilling organizational goals with full commitment towards our duties and responsibilities.

Education is most powerful weapon
to change the world



We will share our model and practices through partnerships with the government and other organizations. We aim to leverage our demonstrated impact to advocate for reforms with other like-minded organizations that will lead to an excellent education for all children.

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